O.A. Newton Farm & Ranch
- Agriculture
- Auto Parts and Repairs
- Auto Sales
- Bank
- Carpet and Flooring
- Children's Books
- Christian Schools
- Churches
- Commercial Roofing
- Copy Machines
- Entertainment
- Equipment Dealer
- Farm and Ranch
- Farmer's Market
- Financial Advisor
- Florist
- Funeral Home
- Gifts & Home Décor
- Graphic Design
- Grocery
- Hardware
- Health Food Store
- Home Builder
- Hotel
- Insurance
- Jewelry
- Knives and Accessories
- Legal
- Ministry Resource
- Mortgage Broker
- Office Equipment
- Painting
- Pest Control
- Precision Instruments
- Printers and Plotters
- Printing and Copy Center
- Property Management
- Real Estate
- Recycling
- Reprographics
- Restaurant
- Roof Trusses
- Septic Services
- Sheds
- Signs
- Stove Shoppe
- Surveying Equipment
- Travel Agent
- Utility Trailers
- Veterinarian
- Waterproof Decking
- More from Hardware
Phone Number: 302-381-1618
16356 Sussex Highway, Bridgeville, 19933
Website: http://www.shopoanewton.com
The corner store known for ag supplies has all your hardware needs covered, too! Visit O. A. Newton in Bridgeville for your ag, plumbing, hardware, and tool needs, featuring a full product assortment of Milwaukee tools and kits. Don’t forget to visit Newton’s Warehouse for seasonal hunting, camping, gardening, grilling, and outdoor gear. Check out the O.A. Newton website to place an order for a quick pick-up or browse 1000’s of their product offerings.