Iconic Sparkle
- Agriculture
- Auto Parts and Repairs
- Auto Sales
- Bank
- Carpet and Flooring
- Children's Books
- Christian Schools
- Churches
- Commercial Roofing
- Copy Machines
- Entertainment
- Equipment Dealer
- Farm and Ranch
- Farmer's Market
- Financial Advisor
- Florist
- Funeral Home
- Gifts & Home Décor
- Graphic Design
- Grocery
- Hardware
- Health Food Store
- Home Builder
- Hotel
- Insurance
- Jewelry
- Knives and Accessories
- Legal
- Ministry Resource
- Mortgage Broker
- Office Equipment
- Painting
- Pest Control
- Precision Instruments
- Printers and Plotters
- Printing and Copy Center
- Property Management
- Real Estate
- Recycling
- Reprographics
- Restaurant
- Roof Trusses
- Septic Services
- Sheds
- Signs
- Stove Shoppe
- Surveying Equipment
- Travel Agent
- Utility Trailers
- Veterinarian
- Waterproof Decking
- More from Jewelry
Phone Number: 302-747-6658
http://www.iconicsparkle.com, Camden, 19934
Website: http://www.iconicsparkle.com
We are Iconic Sparkle, that sells $5 dollar fun and fashionable accessories such as: Necklaces, earrings, wraps, bracelets that can go with any outfit for any occasion. Owner Mandi Heinsch desires to change the world through her accessories and what it allows her to offer, fashion accessory advice, boosting confidence, and training those who want to start their own business. Iconic Sparkle offers opportunities through business training that covers the entire scope of operating this business. We are the tip of the spear when it comes to having tomorrow’s trends in stock.
Be sure to stop by our brick & mortar store located at 121 North Main Street suite 3, Camden, Delaware to check out our large variety of accessories.