DiCarlo Digital Copy Center
- Agriculture
- Auto Parts and Repairs
- Auto Sales
- Bank
- Carpet and Flooring
- Children's Books
- Christian Schools
- Churches
- Commercial Roofing
- Copy Machines
- Entertainment
- Equipment Dealer
- Farm and Ranch
- Farmer's Market
- Financial Advisor
- Florist
- Funeral Home
- Gifts & Home Décor
- Graphic Design
- Grocery
- Hardware
- Health Food Store
- Home Builder
- Hotel
- Insurance
- Jewelry
- Knives and Accessories
- Legal
- Ministry Resource
- Mortgage Broker
- Office Equipment
- Painting
- Pest Control
- Precision Instruments
- Printers and Plotters
- Printing and Copy Center
- Property Management
- Real Estate
- Recycling
- Reprographics
- Restaurant
- Roof Trusses
- Septic Services
- Sheds
- Signs
- Stove Shoppe
- Surveying Equipment
- Travel Agent
- Utility Trailers
- Veterinarian
- Waterproof Decking
- More from Graphic Design
Phone Number: 410-749-0112
2006 Northwood Drive, Salisbury, 21801
Website: http://www.dicarlodigitalcopycenter.com
DiCarlo Digital Copy Center provides graphics printing, scanning services and audio/visual transfer services to businesses and individuals around the Delmarva Peninsula. Services include photo restoration, photo reproduction, posters, banners, presentations, and more. We offer full finishing services such as mounting and laminating. On-staff graphic designers allow us to provide fresh designs for business cards, letterheads, envelopes, brochures, menus, invitations, and more. Our Copy Center also provides video and audio transfers to digital formats including VHS, cassette tapes, and 8mm film. And we have a reprographics department that provides large format prints for architects, engineers, and construction professionals alike. We also provide legal copy work and litigation specific services.