Delmarva Christian Schools - Georgetown Campus
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Phone Number: 302-856-4040
21777 Sussex Pines Rd, Georgetown, 19947
The goal of our academic program is to be intentionally and fully Christian in our curriculum while we help develop the entire student, mind, body, and soul.
In grades 9-12 (rhetoric stage), the high school implements a unique curriculum designed with national standards awareness. From that solid foundation DCS teachers develop curriculum that often exceeds state standards and fully prepares students for post-secondary experiences. Distinct to our high school continuum is a powerful triad of junior and senior year courses called Biblical Life Calling, Apologetics, and Senior Thesis Project. Within them, students discuss and debate their foundational values, unique design, and personal mission statement as capstones to their experiences as a DCS student.
Teachers are required to annually review their curricula and, with oversight from school leadership, make necessary changes to more strategically impact each student. The Curriculum Coordinator and Director of Instruction passionately pursue vertical alignment between all courses and grade levels.