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The Real Heros Journal by Joleen Steel


Friday, April 12, 2024 -

What does it take to be a hero in God's eyes? 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 tells us we must: "Be on guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong, do everything in love."

Welcome to The Real Hero's Project. Here you will find a story about three princes who’s father, the king leaves them in charge of the kingdom. Before he leaves the king says, “My sons, be vigilant, stand firm, be courageous, be strong, and do everything in love.” Soon, the youngest prince discovers his father’s words are more difficult to achieve than he thought, as he embarks on a journey to rescue his brothers form an Ogre and then from a fire breathing dragon!

The Real Hero’s Project will also teach you to practice daily devotions, bible study and scripture memorization, all while engaging in fun games, puzzles and awesome projects. Get ready to become a real hero!

Joleen Steel is the chief operating officer and curriculum developer of Camping Stick kids. A ministry she co-founded with her father. This is a ministry that equips kids with a robust and resilient Christian faith.

In 2015, just as Camping Stick Kids was being launched, Joleen’s father received the John Avery Whittaker award from Focus on the Family. As a result she and her father were interviewed on an Adventures in Odyssey Podcast.

Since then, Joleen has developed multiple resources for Camping Stick Kids, established an official ministry partnership with Trail Life USA, and conducted workshops at multiple Trail Life USA and Great Homeschool Conventions. Joleen also writes for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and has been published over twenty times in their print, digital and online platforms.

Learn more about her books when you visit her website at https://campingstickkids.org

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