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Growth Measurements

When we moved into the home we had built for us - our kids were very young. In fact, our daughter was only 5 weeks old at the time. Our son had just turned 6 and so a tradition began that on each birthday we would mark their height on the door frame of my office with their initial and the year. Some years there wasn't much more than an inch or so difference. Some years they were several inches taller than the year before. What a sweet tradition to see their growth over the years and celebrate it with them!

Some days while I was working in my office I would find myself staring at those markings and remembering how much joy we had in keeping with that tradition. I regret not finding a way to take that doorpost with us when we moved out of that home a few years ago. On the bright side, I will always have the memories of watching them back up to the doorpost and stand as straight as possible while I marked the post over the top of their head. Watching them spin around to see how much taller they were than the year before...such joy!

There is another important growth track for us. It has nothing to do with how tall we are. It has everything to do with our faith journey - our walk with the Lord. Our spiritual growth track has eternal value. There may be days when we feel that we haven't learned a thing...that we aren't growing as we should. And we must pay attention to what the Bible says to us about growing in our faith.

Romans 12:2 (NIV) is a clear measuring stick. "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Learning what God's will is for our lives so that we walk in it happens when we purpose to lean in to Christ every single day. We may not feel like we're growing in the day to day. But there will be times when we realize we didn't respond to a situation or a person the way that we used to...and we'll realize that God is surely at work in our lives. And guess who is right there celebrating with us??!!

Read more devotions written by Denise Harper at Treasured Inside


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