On Air Now Right Song at the Right Time Midnight - 6:00am
Now Playing Warrior Hannah Kerr

Devotions with Denise

Standing For Us

My son, Cody, spent a lot of time playing sports when he was younger. So we spent a lot of time on the bleachers!

Soaking It Up Like A Sponge

Imagine for a moment that you reach for a sponge in your kitchen to clean up a spill. You'd been drinking a glass of orange juice and it got knocked over and spilled out all over the counter.

Hidden Treasures

Every Easter Sunday when I was growing up, my brothers and I could count on three things: a new outfit to wear to church, an Easter basket full of goodies, and an...easter egg hunt.

Hidden Heartbeat

My friend has a twin sister...an identical twin sister. I have an idea they have had fun with that all their lives.

Double Lines

Those pesky double lines on a roadway come along at the most inconvenient time. Always when I am crunched for time...and always when I get stuck behind someone driving too slow.

Count It All Joy

"Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds." That's what James said in the first chapter of his book in the New Testament.

The Fishermen

At the end of my street is a very big pond. It's where ducks show up in the early Spring each year.

Brace Yourself!

I was sitting across from a financial advisor whose office was inside an old train station. When he said, "brace yourself!" I wasn't sure what he meant. Within seconds a train came barreling past...

The Flaw

When we were about to have our kitchen floor re-finished I picked out this beautiful pattern and I couldn't wait to see it installed.

The Deepest Love

There is no one like our God. He made the world and all its individual nations and waterways. Every animal, bird, fish and flower are each their own design.

One Taste Is All It Took

My favorite ice cream flavor is peanut butter. In fact, peanut butter anything is a favorite for me.

We Can Get Used To That

The home that I grew up in was directly under the landing path of a military airbase. Any time of the day or night enormously large aircraft would fly over our house as they were preparing to land.

Sticky Notes

Do you remember what it was like in middle school? It wasn't easy, was it?! When my girl, Abigail, was going through that stage I was already at work in the mornings when she would get ready for school.

One Thing

What is the one thing you would do if you had no limitations? Regardless of your bank account, your abilities or capabilities, whether others would think you were too young or too old...

Pattern Disrupters

Routines are good. Knowing what to expect can help us get in and get right to work doing what we are expected to do. Our parents taught us routines. It's how we work and it's how we teach our kids to get things done as well.

The Broken

Whether you've read The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John....or maybe you are getting to know about the miracles of Jesus by watching the hugely popular series "The Chosen"...

The Speed Of God

One of the kindest things someone has ever said to me happened on a trip with a group of friends and co-workers while we were on a retreat.

What God Has Allowed

We had been sharing our prayer requests with each other as we do each week during our staff meetings and as we prepared to pray together a colleague, who was visiting with us that day, led us in prayer.

Trash or Treasure

One man's trash is another man's treasure. Or in this case...another man's trumpet.

That's Not What I Said

Have you ever been misquoted? Someone blatantly said that you said something and it wasn't at all what you said!

The Time For Prayer

Recently a group of friends and I arrived at a restaurant for dinner and for some reason the hostess could not find our reservation on their schedule.

The Conqueror

When my son, Cody, was about eight years old we took him to a dinner theatre called 'Medieval Times'. If you've never been, it's worth the trip!

Necessary Accessories

What girl doesn't love accessories??!! So if we love a pair of shoes...how many colors does it come in?!

The Real Enemy

Have you ever been walking along and suddenly your heart starts to beat a little faster? The hair on your arms or the back of your neck feels like its standing up.

Prep Time

Prep time is an important consideration for everything. Whether we are planning a dinner, giving a presentation or getting ready for work or an important event...there has to be an allowance for additional time to get ready.

Beneath The Surface

There is something very calming for me to watch ducks on a pond. So gracefully floating around on the surface of the water it looks like they don't have a care in the world.

What Fascinates You?

When my son, Cody, was a baby he was fascinated by ceiling fans. Before it seemed even possible for him to be able to focus his little eyes on anything that far away he would watch the fan swirling around above us.

What's New With You?

It seemed like everyone I visited over the holidays asked me the same question. What is NEW with you?

Be Careful Little Tongue What You Say

Remember that little song from Sunday School? O be careful little ears what you hear. There were multiple verses in that song and this is one I remember...

How Did I Get Here?

It is easy to fall into a pattern. Routines can be helpful. The negative side of routine activity is that we can become numb to our regular activities and interactions with others.
